Mildrette Netter White a two time Olympian and gold medalist leads the USA Track and Field parade.

JACKSON, Miss. (WLBT) – Saturday was the third day of the USA Track and Field Junior Olympic Regional Championships, but before the competition began an award-winning Olympian from Mississippi led the parade.

Mildrette Netter White a two time Olympian and gold medalist leads the USA Track and Field parade.
    Mildrette Netter White a two time Olympian and gold medalist leads the USA Track and Field parade.

Young athletes were the center of attention as they marched toward their state flags at the opening of the national parade. Mildrette Netter White, a two-time Olympic champion and gold medalist, led the pack.

Netter-White is from Rosedale, Massachusetts, and ran track in high school, but by the time she graduated, there were no colleges in Mississippi with women’s track teams, so the determined track star joined the Alcorn track team, becoming the only woman on the team. Shortly after joining the national team, she qualified for the 1968 Olympics and competed in the 4×100 meter relay. The team won the gold medal. Four years later, she was competing in the 1972 Olympics.

Netter-White was excited to lead the parade of young athletes on Saturday. It was inspired by other people in Mississippi and nearby states.

“When I did the Olympic team, people looked at me and said,” Since Mississippi. ” “We have talent in Mississippi and this is a great way to showcase Mississippi talent and athleticism.

After her career ended, she continued to coach runners and her goal was to be a role model for others. “If I can inspire someone, maybe they can look at me and be like me,” Netter-White said.

“I’d love to see someone from Mississippi go to the Olympics.” We all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us.
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