Star, the popular Fox show, only lasted three seasons before being cancelled in 2019. As some fans were left confused as to why it was let go, hope wasn’t all lost as the series was rumored to be getting a film adaptation.
According to Quincy Brown, who played the role of Derek, the movie is still coming into fruition under the production and/or direction of the show’s creator, Lee Daniels.
While answering a few questions via his Instagram Story on Tuesday (April 23), Brown was asked what happened to the series, to which he responded, “Star the Movie coming soon! Ain’t that right @LeeDaniels?”
The actor also shared a photo of his beaming smile while holding a Star manuscript
Upon the announcement of the show’s cancellation, Daniels took to Instagram to give fans some closure.
“I want to share some bad news and good news,” he started. “The bad news is that Star is not getting picked up for a series. But the good news is that we’re doing a movie in a week to wrap things up for yall.”
He added, “We’re going to make something real special for you to scream about with all of our cast members—even the dead ones.”
Following the series’ end, the cast sent an outpour of thank-you’s to viewers.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” tweeted Demorest at the time, who led the show as Star Davis. “To every one of you who laughed, cried, sang & danced with us. Thank you. For the best three years. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.”
Destiny, who co-starred as Alexandra also wrote, “To the fans, we love you.” She included a photo of the cast embracing one another. The photo included the caption, “That’s a wrap on Star! Thank you for an incredible 3 seasons. Never goodbye. You’ll see us later.”